Generate Sales Lines


This activity is executed when the customer is defined on a work task, which has already created cost lines. Once the customer is defined on the work task, sales lines corresponding to the cost lines will be generated automatically in Sales tab. This scenario is applicable for example if the user mistakenly haven't defined the customer on the task and need to update it. In that case the revenue information for the already created transactions will be already created.

Sales part information for the sales line will be inherited as follows depending on the cost type and task transaction on the cost line.

Task Transaction Cost Type Sales Part Inheritance
Work Task Personnel Sales part will be fetched according to the following sequence if condition satisfies:
 - Time type exists and time type has a Sales part connected
 - Connected to a planning line and if plan line has a Sales part defined
 - Default Sales part connected to the Resource Group
 - Default Sales part connected to the Maintenance Organization
Work Task Tool/Equipment Sales part will be fetched according to the following sequence if condition satisfies:
- Connected to a demand line and if demand line has a Sales part defined
- Default Sales part connected to the Resource Group
Work Task External Sales part will be fetched according to the following sequence if condition satisfies:
 - Cost Category exists and cost category has a Sales part connected
 - Connected to a planning line and if planning line has a Sales part defined
Work Task Expense
Inventory Material Sales part connected to the respective planning line will be inherited
HR Expense Expense Sales part connected to the Expense code will be inherited
Internal/External Purchase External Sales part connected to the respective planning line will be inherited


System Effects

As a result of this activity, sales lines will be generated in Sales tab, corresponding to the cost lines already created.


Work Task
Prepare Work Order
Report In Work Order

Work Order Structure

Related Window Descriptions

Work Task
Prepare Work Order/Work Tasks/Sales
Report In Work Order/Work Tasks/Sales
Work Order Structure/Work Tasks/Sales


  1. Open the Work Task or the Work Tasks window, alternatively select the Work Tasks tab in the Prepare Work Order , Report In Work Order or the Work Order Structure window.
  2. Query the work order and then select the appropriate work task which doesn't have a customer connected. (F3).
  3. Define customer on the work task and save.
  4. Observe that the sales lines will be automatically created corresponding to the cost lines already generated.