View Calculated Progress


This activity is used to graphically view the work progress of work orders in the work order structure. Once the progress of work is calculated on a work order, the activity bar for the work order in the Gantt will be updated to show the progress.


To perform this activity, progress must have been reported on the work order.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, it is possible to graphically view how much of the work has been completed.


Work Order Structure

Related Window Descriptions

Work Order Planning Gantt
Work Order Structure


  1. Open the Work Order Planning Gantt window and query (F3) for the necessary work order.
  2. Observe the progress shown in the relevant activity bars. Progress is shown by a Black-and-White striped bar within the activity bar for a work order. Note that this is not visible for grouping work orders.
  3. The actual value of progress is shown in the tool-tip for the activity bar if the Progress (%) check box is selected (in the Tool Tip Properties dialog box).