Request Appointment Offers


This activity is used to request appointments from the Appointment Booking Engine. The Request appointments, activity can either be done by directly after opening the Appointment booking dialog from the right mouse button action in the Work Task window or after modifying Appointment parameters fetched from the default values of the Work task. Once the appointment parameters are set, the user can send a request to propose the available time slots. The waiting time while receiving the offers can be set by the system parameter REQUEST_TIMEOUT.  

Note : Setting up an availability with Auto request enabled, skips this activity as the request is made as soon as the Appointment booking dialog is opened.

For more information refer to the activities Modify Appointment Parameters, Decline Appointment Offers and Accept Appointment.


To perform this activity, Appointment booking dialog must be opened and slots must have been generated for the Appointment Request.

System Effects

A request is sent to the Appointment Booking Engine, while changing the status of the Appointment dialog to RequestSent. Once the request is processed, a set of results is received and get populated in the slot table/calendar, while changing the status to OfferReceived.


Appointment Booking

Related Window Descriptions

Appointment Booking  


  1. Open the Work Task window.
  2. Populate (F2) or query (F3) for the required work task.
  3. Right-click, then click Appointment Booking to open the Appointment Booking dialog box.
  4. The slot Id, slot length, slot window (if any), activity duration, period start, period end and appointment mode will automatically fill in. Also, appointment slots get generated in the slot area.
  5. Press Request Button and observe that the status will change to RequestSent, while a request details are sent to the Appointment Booking Engine.
  6. Once the request is processed, a set of results will returned and updates the slot table/calendar, while changing the status to OfferReceived.