Reallocate Resource


Use this activity to reallocate or resize or clear allocations for resources that have been allocated to execute a work task.

This activity is typically used when:

  1. Reassigning a work assignment from one resource to another.
  2. Reassigning a work assignment to a different time.
  3. Modify allocated hours by resizing.
  4. Removing an allocated resource.


System Effects

Work assignment will be reallocated to another resource and/or in a different time slot. This is done based on the concept described in Resource Reallocation and the new allocation is displayed in Resource Monitoring Gantt or in Allocate Resource.

Allocated hours of work assignment will be modified. This is done based on the concept described in Resource Reallocation.

Clear allocations:
Work assignments are deleted.


Resource Monitoring Gantt

Related Window Descriptions

Allocate Resource
Resource Monitoring Gantt


Read about:

Resource Reallocation of Single Work Assignment or Visit Chain via Allocate Resource

Follow this procedure to reallocate work assignments in Allocate Resource:

  1. Open the Allocate Resource dialog box in any of the following ways:
    1. Right-click a record in Active Work Orders or Work Tasks and click Allocate Resource.
    2. Right-click the header in Prepare Work Order or Work Task and click Allocate Resource.
    3. Right-click one or multiple records in Prepare Work Order/Work Tasks and click Allocate Resource.
  2. Select the resource demand you want to reallocate in the upper chart and click Reallocate. The corresponding allocation that should be reallocated will be highlighted  and displayed bar with its activity duration in the lower Gantt.
  3. Drag the allocation bar to the desired resource and time.
  4. Click Save.

Note: This procedure can not be used to reallocate work assignments that are directly added to the work task.

Resize Allocation via Allocate Resource

Follow this procedure to clear an allocation in Allocate Resource:

  1. Open the Allocate Resource dialog box in any of the following ways:
    1. Right-click a record in Active Work Orders or Work Tasks and click Allocate Resource.
    2. Right-click the header in Prepare Work Order or Work Task and click Allocate Resource.
    3. Right-click one or multiple records in Prepare Work Order/Work Tasks and click Allocate Resource.
  2. Select the activity in the upper chart and see the corresponding allocation is highlighted. Resize the allocation bar to the size you want in increase or decrease to. Date and time period is adjusted accordingly.
  3. Click Save

Note: This procedure can not be used to reallocate work assignments that are directly added to the work task

Clear Allocation via Allocate Resource

Follow this procedure to clear an allocation in Allocate Resource:

  1. Open the Allocate Resource dialog box in any of the following ways:
    1. Right-click a record in Active Work Orders or Work Tasks and click Allocate Resource
    2. Right-click the header in Prepare Work Order or Work Task and click Allocate Resource.
    3. Right-click one or multiple records in Prepare Work Order/Work Tasks and click Allocate Resource.
  2. Select the activity you want to reallocate in the upper chart and click Clear. The allocation is removed.

Note: This procedure can not be used to reallocate work assignments that are directly added to the work task.

Resource Reallocation of Single Work Assignment via Resource Monitoring Gantt

Follow this procedure to reallocate resources in Resource Monitoring Gantt:

  1. Open Resource Monitoring Gantt.
  2. Populate the Resource Monitoring Gantt in a way so that the allocation that is to be reallocated is visible.
  3. Drag the allocation bar to the desired resource and time. The new allocation is automatically saved.

Resource Reallocation of Visit Chain via Resource Monitoring Gantt

Follow this procedure to reallocate resources in Resource Monitoring Gantt:

  1. Open Resource Monitoring Gantt.
  2. Populate the Resource Monitoring Gantt in a way so that the allocation that is to be reallocated is visible.
  3. Right click on the visit of the visit chain and select Reallocate. Allocations are visible as one single bar in reallocation mode.
  4. Drag the allocation bar to the desired resource and time. The new allocation is automatically created as in the Resource Reallocation description.

Note: In opposite to the Allocate Resource dialog the Resource Monitoring Gantt allows the user to do a quick reallocation which ignores all constraints of the work task and resource demand.

If the user wants to reallocate the work assignment to a resource that has the necessary maintenance organization, team, person group, certificate, competency requirements at a time that complies with the work task date constraints (Earliest Start, Latest Start, Latest Finish and Fixed Start) the user can instead use the Allocate Resource dialog. By selecting the work assignment and right-click and select Allocate Resource option the Allocate Resource dialog will be brought up for the work task that holds the work assignment.

Resize Allocation via Resource Monitoring Gantt

Follow this procedure to clear an allocation in Resource Monitoring Gantt:

  1. Open Resource Monitoring Gantt.
  2. Populate the Resource Monitoring Gantt in a way so that the allocation that is to be cleared is visible.
  3. Select the allocation  in the Gantt chart and resize the allocation bar to the size you want in increase or decrease to. Date and time period is adjusted accordingly and saved.

Clear Allocation via Resource Monitoring Gantt

Follow this procedure to clear an allocation in Resource Monitoring Gantt:

  1. Open Resource Monitoring Gantt.
  2. Populate the Resource Monitoring Gantt in a way so that the allocation that is to be cleared is visible.
  3. Right-click the allocation that you wish to clear and click Clear.