Shipment/Available Source Lines

[About Shipment]

[To Customer Order Delivery] [To Shipment Delivery


Use this tab to view all source lines that can be connected to the shipment. Only those source lines whose following parameters match between source and shipment are displayed; Receiver ID, Delivery Address ID, Delivery Terms, Ship Via Code, Shipment Type. Note: The contents of each address line for the stated delivery address ID is matched since it is possible to connect source lines with a Singe Occurrence Address as well. The quantity of a source line can be connected to several shipments in parallel.This can be used to handle a limited transport capacity, a backorder situation where you want to prepare the next delivery in advance, a customer requiring a certain delivery schedule etc.

For customer orders, the setting of the Use Price Including Tax check box and customs currency will also be considered when displaying matching customer order lines for a given shipment. It is possible to view and add order lines in status Released, Reserved, Picked and Partially Delivered as long as there is a remaining quantity to be delivered.


Activity Diagrams

Create Shipment


Connect to Shipment