Report Picking of Pick List Lines

[About Shipment] [About Handling Units]

[To Customer Order Delivery] [To Shipment Delivery]


Use this window to report picking with deviation from the generated pick list. For customer order connected pick lists, you can pick both fewer and more parts than stated on the pick list. For any other source connected pick list, you cannot pick more quantity than stated in the pick list line. A secondary use for this window can be to remove reservations for quantities where a pick list has been created.

Report picking can also be done aggregated per handling unit or per location.

If the reserved parts are serial tracked at receipt and issue but not serial tracked in inventory, this window can also be used to identify the reserved serial numbers.

For the description of each tab in the window, follow the appropriate link: Details, Aggregated

Activity Diagrams

Handle Picking


Report Picking, Quantity Deviation
Report Picking, Aggregated
Report Picking from Another Location
Report Picking of Outermost Handling Unit
Pick Part by Choice
Pick Handling Unit by Choice
View Configuration
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