Report Picking of Pick List Lines/Details

[About Shipment] [About Handling Units] [About Catch Unit]

[To Customer Order Delivery] [To Shipment Delivery]


Use this tab to report deviations for single parts or parts to be picked out of a handling unit - handling unit being partially reserved. For example, you may have picked fewer or more parts than the quantity stated, or you may have picked the parts from a location other than the one stated on the picking list created for a customer order.

If parts are packed in a handling unit that is included in total on the pick list it is possible to report picking for that handling unit and all of its content instead of reporting it for each detailed pick list line. You can also pick all remaining line(s) on the pick list at the same time, instead of one by one, by using the header option Report Picking of Pick List Lines.

Activity Diagrams

Handle Picking


Report Picking, Quantity Deviation
Report Picking
Report Picking from Another Location
Report Picking of Outermost Handling Unit
Pick Part by Choice
Select Input UoM and Enter Parameters
View Configuration