Block Customer Order


You can block an entire customer order by using Manually Block Order in the Operations menu. A requirement for this operation is that the customer order is not in the Invoiced/Closed state.

When an order has been blocked, it receives the status Blocked, and limited transactions can be performed.


For a pegged customer order line:

System Effects


Customer Order
Handle Blocked Customer Orders

Related Window Descriptions

Customer Order
Handle Blocked Customer Orders


  1. Use the Populate or the Query function to display the appropriate order.
  2. To block an entire order, right-click and then click Manually Block Order in the Operations menu or in the right mouse button menu in the upper part of the window.
  3. Optionally, a block order reason can be entered in the Block Customer Order dialog box. Valid block reasons can be found by clicking List. The blocking reason will be saved on the order.
  4. If the order has lines pegged to purchase requisitions, purchase orders, shop orders, or DOP headers the supply orders will not be blocked.