Start Rental | Create Manual Event | End Rental

[About Inter-Site Rental Voucher] 

[To Initiate Rental] [To Manage Rent In] [To Manage Rent Out] [To Manage Rent to Project] [To Manage Rent to Work Order] [To Follow Up Rental]


Use this dialog box to start, create (including changing the rental mode) or end a rental for a rental line. Depending on how the dialog box is initiated, slightly different options will be available.

Note: When the rental event synchronization is activated with options Both Sites or Both Companies from the Parameters for Distribution and Manufacturing window and in an inter-site flow, the end rental event created from the demand site will be recorded in the Rental Event Approval window. The relevant event gets recorded in Rental Events History window after a user from supply site approves this record.

Activity Diagrams

Start Rental
Manage Rental Events
Finalize Rental, Rent In
Finalize Rental, Rent Out
Finalize Rental, Project Charging


Start Rental
Register Rental Event
Change Rental Mode
End Rental