Add Third Party Contact


This activity is used to specify third party contacts for an opportunity or activity. I.e. you can add contacts to an opportunity/activity without adding the person as a contact for the opportunity/activity customer.


System Effects

This activity has the following system effects:


Business Opportunity
Business Activity

Related Window Descriptions

Business Opportunity
Business Opportunity/Contact
Business Activity
Business Activity/Contact
Add Third Party Contact


  1. Open the Business Opportunity/Contact tab or Business Activity/Contact tab.
  2. Right-click and then click Add Third Party Contact to open the Add Third Party Contact dialog.
  3. Enter the name of the contact in the Name field and click Find to find any persons already defined in Person. The Select Person dialog box will be displayed. The system will make a check for possible duplicates based on what has been entered in the First Name and Last Name fields and possible matches will be displayed in the bottom part of the dialog box.
  4. If one or several possible matches are found and one of them is the person you want to use as a contact, select the corresponding row and click OK. 
  5. If possible matches are not found click Cancel to create a person and to enter the person as a contact for the opportunity or activity. Enter communication methods like Phone No, E-mail etc.
  6. If required, select an Opportunity Role and a Power of Decision.
  7. Click OK to confirm.