Supplier Material for Purchase Order Line

[About Charge/No Charge] [To Initiate Purchase] [To Manage Purchase]


Use this window to enter material that needs to be sent to a supplier for processing, in an outsourcing situation. For example, this can be material that the supplier needs for the manufacturing of the ordered part. This outsourcing only uses the functionality in IFS/Purchasing for shipping the components. Note that you can use the outsourcing charge/no charge function instead, which ships the components using the functionality in IFS/Customer Order. This is determined by the option chosen in the Site/Sales and Procurement tab, in the Purchased Component Method field.

You can also use alternate components here manually for the components if material requirement planning (MRP) has identified any available alternate components.

Activity Diagrams

Enter purchase order
Supplier Material Function
Handle purchase order


Enter components to send to supplier
Handle supplier material
Retrieve parts available to reserve