Procurement Basic Data

[To Initiate Purchase] [To Manage Purchase] [To Receipt] [To Procurement, Supplier Scheduling]


Use this window to enter general data used in IFS/Purchasing.

For a description of each tab in the window, follow the appropriate link: Buyers, Additional Cost Types, External Service Types, Delivery Codes, Milestone/Stage Payment Templates, Order Processing Types, Purchase Groups, QC Analysts, Requisitioners, Return Causes, Supp Stat Grps, Purchase Charge Groups, Supplier Agreement Groups, Supplier Assortments, Dock Codes, Purchase Codes.

Activity Diagrams

BDR for receipt
BDR for procurement
BDR for Supplier Schedule
BDR for purchase charges/landed costs
Enter purchase agreement
Enter blanket purchase order


Enter buyer
Enter requisitioner
Connect default location to site
Enter milestone/stage payment templates
Enter order processing types
Enter purchase charge group
Enter QC analyst
Enter return cause
Enter supplier agreement group
Enter supplier assortments
Enter purchase groups
Enter supplier statistic groups
Enter delivery codes
Enter dock code
Enter additional cost types
Enter external service types
Enter Purchase Code