Release Outside Operation Shop Order Report Shop Order Operation Report Work Center Operation Shop Order Operations Work Center Operations Reporting Shop Order Replace All to Alternate Component Shop Order Shop Orders Shop Orders Material Planning DOP Orders Shop Order Operations Labor Load Detail Operations per Work Center Orders per Work Day Orders per Work Center Load per Work Centers Production Line Management Production Line Management Shop Orders Material Availability Shop Orders Shop Order Delete SO Operation Shop Order Disposition Shop Order Shop Order Compare Shop Order Material and Operation with Structure and Routing Compare Shop Order with Structure and Routing Compare Shop Order with Structure and Routing Select Components Shop Order Alternate Component Alternate Component Shop Order Shop Order Planned Shop Order, Generated Add Work Guideline to Shop Order Shop Order Disposition Shop Order MRO Interim Order Interim Order Shop Order Materials Shop Order Operations Shop Order Add SO Operation Shop Order Disposition Shop Order Shop Order Replace All Components Shop Order Shop Order Replace Phantom Part with its Components Shop Order Disposition Shop Order Shop Order Manual Pegging of Shop Order Material Line Manual Pegging of Shop Order Material Line Manual Pegging of Shop Order Material Line Delete SO Byproduct Shop Order Shop Order Add SO Byproduct Shop Order Shop Order Add Rework Component Shop Order Shop Order Delete SO Component Shop Order Disposition Shop Order Shop Order Materials Shop Order Shop Order Add SO Component Shop Order Disposition Shop Order Shop Order Shop Order