Part Certificates
Part Serial/Part Certificates
Lot/Batch Master/Part Certificates

[About Aviation Part Certificate Report] [About Part Serial Handling] [About Tracking Parts] [About Lot/Batch Tracking]

[To Handle Inventory] [To Manage Line Maintenance] [To Dispatch Asset and Close Maintenance Visit]


Use this window or tab to view information on the part certificates that have been created in-house and/or received with a component (serial or lot batch part).

In the Part Certificates window you can obtain an overview of all the part certificates in the system irrespective of whether it has been generated from an order (e.g., maintenance order) or registered against a component. In the Part Serial/Part Certificates tab you can view all the certificates that have been generated or received for a selected part serial while in the Lot/Batch Master/Part Certificates tab you can view the part certificates that have been generated or received for a selected batch tracked part.

Activity Diagrams

Handle Direct Receipt
Report Arrival
Conclude Maintenance Visit


Register Received Certificates