Complete Connected Stop Event


Use this activity to complete connected stop events. These are the stop events that were created as connected stop events directly from another stop event record (i.e., the connected parent event). When a stop event is created and connected to another stop event, the new record will automatically receive certain data from the connected parent event. However, the connected stop event cannot be completed until the following conditions have been fulfilled:

  1. The stop event type must be set to No Production Loss.
  2. The time frame specified in the From and To fields must be within the time frame defined for the parent event.


System Effects

Related Window Descriptions

Stop Event
Production Unit


  1. Open the Stop Event window and identify the stop event you want.
  2. The stop events that are connected to the selected record will be displayed in the Connected Events field. Click on the ID of the required stop event to populate its data in the window.
  3. Observe if the given information is correct, i.e., mandatory data is entered. Make sure the stop event type for the connected event record is set to No Production Loss and that the values in the From and To fields are within the time frame specified for the parent event.
    Enter or modify other information, if necessary.
  4. Click Save and Exit.