Direct Delivery Freight Price List

[About Freight Charges]

[To Transport Administration] [To Manage Sales Quotation] [To Manage Customer Order] [To Follow-up and Analysis, Sales


Use this window to create a direct delivery freight price list. A direct delivery freight price list is created for a specific ship-via code or a transport method, from a specific supplier, and the freight charges are specified for different freight zones. Any charges and amounts in a freight price list are considered as excluding tax unless the price list is defined as using price including tax. A freight price list will only be used on a sales quotation or a customer order with a similar usage of price including tax.

For the description of each tab in the window, follow the appropriate link: Charges, Valid for Sites, Zone Info

Activity Diagrams

Enter freight price list
Maintain freight price list


Enter direct delivery freight price list header
Activate freight price list
Close freight price list
Remove invalid freight prices
Copy freight price list