Customer Order Lines

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Use this window to view a list of the customer order lines recorded in the system. You can see, among other things, which parts belong to an order line and also the order line's status, i.e., where the order is in the customer order flow. You can also block the order lines from being invoiced, using this window.

Activity Diagrams

Enter Customer Order
Enter Customer Order, CTO
Manually Create Customer Order, Basic
Enter Customer Order, Planning
Enter Customer Order, Source Non-Sourced Customer Order Lines
Enter Customer Order, Stage Billing
Enter and Maintain Customer Warranties
Release Customer Order
Confirm Customer Order
Handle Customer Order Additional Activities
Handle Picking


Report picking upon reservation
Create pegging of customer order line
Enter and maintain customer warranties
Recalculate cost
Create configuration
Edit configuration

Copy configuration
Replace With Standard Sales Part
View configuration
Replace Characteristic Value
Edit pricing
Create interim order
View/edit interim order

Delete interim order
Enter staged billing profile
Enter milestones
Alter milestones
Report completed milestone
Update sales part prices from overview customer order lines
Recalculate price/currency for customer order line

Change delivery info per line
Change delivery address per line
Enter single occurrence address per line
Block customer orders from invoicing
Unpeg customer order line from supply order
Unreserve order line
Enter abnormal demand
Perform MRP for the Part