Enter Milestones


The concept of milestones is to provide the user with a tool to track the progress of different events that take place during the order flow.


System Effects

Milestones are added to a customer order line.


Customer Order
Customer Order Lines

Related Window Descriptions

Customer Order
Customer Order/Order Lines
Milestones for Customer Order Line
Customer Order Lines
Milestone Templates for Customer Order Line


  1. Select the appropriate customer order line.
  2. Choose Milestone... in the Operations menu.
  3. If you want to enter milestones manually, activate a line in Milestones for Customer Order Line and select New. Enter mandatory information in the Milestone ID column, the Progress % column, and, optionally, the remaining columns.
    If you want to use a milestone template in order to add milestone lines, then choose Templates from the Operations menu. Select a template ID in the list box. Enter the lines from the template by clicking on the Select button. All columns can be edited with the exception of the Milestone ID column.
  4. Save the entered milestone lines; they will acquire the Released status.