MRO Interim Order Structure/Tree Structure

[About Interim Demand Structures] [About MRO Interim Order Structures]

[To CAMRO/CRO Handle Order Structure]


This window is divided vertically into two panes. Panes can be resized by dragging the split bar to one side or the other. The left pane shows a graphical outline of the disassembly tree structure containing the different node types which constitutes the disassembly- and assembly part of the MRO Interim Order Structure. The right pane displays details about the node selected in the tree list.

For a description of the contents and function of each sub-tab, follow the appropriate link: Disassembly, Assembly, Detail, Components, Operations, Supply Orders, Assignments, Repair Orders, Costs.

Activity Diagrams

Handle order structure


Release structure
Disconnect from parent
Propagate dates downstream
Propagate dates upstream
MRO interim order