Resource Break

[About Scheduling with Maintenance Planning Board]

[To Work Order Planning] [To PM Planning]


Use this window to view information about a resource break in the schedule. In addition, this window lets you reschedule the break. A resource break is a non-operation event that affects the availability of a resource.

This window contains three tabs. Show Status tab indicates the status of the resource breaks. If a Resource break is connected with resources and if the status is Unscheduled in the database, then it represent as Resource Assigned inside the MPB . If there are no resources connected, then it  indicates as Incomplete inside the MPB. Further, resource breaks are only possible to schedule inside MPB, and once scheduled the status becomes Firm Planned. A Firm planned resource break has the status Scheduled inside the database. The Show Contents tab contains detailed information about the resource break. The Show Assignment tab contains information about the break's resource assignment. For the description of each view in the window, follow the appropriate link: Show Status, Show Contents, Show Assignment

Activity Diagrams

Schedule with Maintenance Planning Board
Define Resource Break


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This window contains:

Resource Break: The resource break object for the defined resource break. You can drag the resource break object into the Gantt chart to see when the resource break is scheduled. To reschedule the break, right-click the resource break object and then click Scheduling.... or use Drag-and Drop scheduling using right mouse button. The successful scheduling or rescheduling of a resource break changes its status to Firm Planned on the Show Status tab. If the resource break is planned beyond the Latest finish date, its status represents as both Firm planned and Tardy.

Show Status

Scheduling Status: The statuses of this resource break. The colors represent the possible status, either  Incomplete, Resources Assigned, Firm Planned and/or Tardy . The statuses Unscheduled, Scheduled, Need Rescheduling, Work Started and  are not applicable for resource breaks.

Planned Start: The date and time on which this break is scheduled to start.

Finish Date: The date and time on which this break is scheduled to finish.

Latest Finish: The date and time by which this break must be completed. This is defined in the database.

Earliest/Fixed Start: The earliest possible start time for this resource break. This is defined in the database..

Show Contents

Duration Time: The number of days, hours, and minutes required by this resource break.

Description: The description of this resource break.

Show Assignment

Roles: This list box contains all the roles associated with this resource break. Each role has one assigned resource. If a resource break affects a number of resources, then each affected resource has its own role in this resource break.

Assigned Resource: The name of the resource associated with the currently selected role in the Roles list above.