PM Action Occurrence

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Use this window to view information about a PM action occurrence .

This window contains three tabs. The Show Status tab indicates whether any of the work list for this PM action occurrence are  Incomplete, Unscheduled, Resources Assigned, Scheduled, Need Rescheduling and/or Tardy. The statuses Firm planned and  Work Started are not applicable for  PM action occurrences. The Show Contents tab contains detailed information about the PM action occurrence. The Show Relations tab contains information about relations  to the PM action occurrence. For the description of each view in the window, follow the appropriate link: Show Status, Show Contents, Show Relations.

Activity Diagrams

Schedule with Maintenance Planning Board


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This window contains:

PM Action Occurrence: This contains the collection of work list of the PM action occurrence.  Drag PM action occurrence into the Gantt Chart list and expand it. The Gantt chart now shows the scheduling of the work lists related to this PM action occurrence.

Show Status

Scheduling Status: A combined statuses of  all work lists related to this PM action occurrence. The colors represent the possible statuses, either Incomplete, Unscheduled, Resources Assigned, Scheduled, Need Rescheduling and/or Tardy. A button to the left of a status indicates that one or more operation related to PM action occurrence is have that status. Double-click the button to see the list of operations for each status.

Planned Start Date: The first date on which tasks/operations related to this PM action occurrence are scheduled to start.

Planned Finish Date: The last date on which tasks/operations related to this PM action occurrence are scheduled to finish.

Earliest/ Fixed Start Date: The date and time the PM action occurrence is requested to be started i.e. the  first date at which the PM action occurrence can start. The dates are defined on PM action occurrence in the data base.

Latest Finish Date: The date by which this PM action occurrence  should be completed. The dates are defined on PM action occurrence in the data base.

Show Contents

Site: The  identity of the site where the PM action occurrence belongs.

Maint. Org: The identity of the maintenance organization of the PM action occurrence.

Object Structure: The identity of the object to which the PM action occurrence is connected.

Object Description: The description for the object displayed in the Object structure field.

Contractor: The identity of the contractor or supplier of external labor for performing the work

Contractor Description: The name of the contractor.

Planned Date:  The date when a work order will be generated.

Action Description: The action that is connected to the PM action

Priority: The degree of priority assigned to the PM action.

Late Start Date: The latest time that this PM action occurrence can be started and still be completed by the PM action occurrence's latest finish date.

Critical Work: If this check box is selected the PM action occurrence  is considered as Critical Work. Critical work can be prioritize when automatic scheduling.

Schedule Inside One Maint. Window: If this check box is selected, all the operations of the PM action occurrence is scheduled in one continues period, where the Object is available for maintenance

Show Relations

Preceding Activities: This field is  not applicable only for  PM action occurrence.

Succeeding Activities: This field is not applicable only for  PM action occurrence.

Related Project Activities: This field is not applicable only for  PM action occurrence.