Manufacturing Material History

[About Shop Order] [About Disassembly Shop Order] [About Repair MRO Shop Order] [About Assembly Shop Order] [About Disposition Shop Order] [About Production Schedules]

[To Shop Order Planning] [To Shop Order Manufacturing] [To CAMRO Disassemble Overhaul Object] [To CAMRO/CRO Disposition Overhaul Object] [To CAMRO/CRO Execute MRO Shop Order] [To CAMRO Assemble Overhaul Object] [To Execute CRO Work Scope, Shop Order]


Use this window to view the history logs of the actions taken on the material used in shop orders, MRO (Maintenance Repair Overhaul) shop orders, MRO disposition handling, and production schedules. 

Activity Diagrams

Create disposition
Ship dirty
Set parts identified
Perform disposition
Reserve components
Automatic disassembly
Perform preliminary conformance check
Handle repair shop order
Handle multilevel repair shop order
Issue shop order components


Follow-up MRO shop order