Analyze Configuration


This activity is used to analyze:


System Effects

As a result of this activity, you will get an overview of how the specific configuration is configured, used and stock quantities.


Configuration Specification
Configuration Specifications
Configuration Specifications Usage

Related Window Descriptions

Create Standard Part from Configuration Assistant
Configuration Specification

View Configuration
Configuration Specifications
Configuration Specifications Usage


To analyze how a configuration is configured:

  1. Open Configuration Specification window.
  2. Select tab named Configuration Spec Value.
  3. Check all selected value options for this configuration and associated information like unit and quantity.

To analyze configuration usage:

  1. Open Configuration Specification window.
  2. Select tab named Configuration Spec Usage.
  3. Check usages for this configuration.

To analyze usage of many configurations:

  1. Open Configuration Specifications Usages or Configuration Specifications window.
  2. Do a search for desired configurations.
  3. Check usages for these configurations. Use the chart view if desired.
  4. Use right-mouse and select Configuration Specification to see more details of the specific configuration.

To analyze latest (30 days) sales part created from configuration family:

  1. Open Configuration Specifications window.
  2. Do a search for desired configurations.
  3. Open the Lobby section in the bottom of the screen and check lobby element called Latest Sales Part from Configuration Family
  4. The lobby element shows sales parts which have been created from configurations for the selected part's characteristic family id latest 30 days sorted by created date. These sales part can be further analyzed by clicking the row in the lobby element.

To analyze tentative product structures created as standard part from configuration family:

  1. Open Configuration Specifications window.
  2. Do a search for desired configurations.
  3. Open the Lobby section in the bottom of the screen and check lobby element called Tentative Product Structures from Configuration Family.
  4. The lobby element shows product structures with status Tentative which have been created from configurations for the selected part's characteristic family id. These product structures can be further analyzed  by clicking the row in the lobby element.

To analyze top configurations last 12 months for family:

  1. Open Configuration Specifications window.
  2. Do a search for desired configurations.
  3. Open the Lobby section in the bottom of the screen and check lobby element called Top Configurations Last 12 Months for Family.
  4. The lobby element shows configurations on Customer Order lines latest 12 months without any standard part created yet. The list is sorted by quantity. The configuration can be further analyzed by clicking the row in the lobby element.

To analyze standard parts that have been created from a part configuration:

  1. Open Configuration Specification window.
  2. Select the tab named Created Parts. The tab is only enabled when created parts exists.
  3. Analyze the created standard parts which have been created from this configuration.
  4. Use right-click and select Inventory Part In Stock to see stock location and quantities.

To analyze Inventory part in stock:

  1. Open Configuration Specification window.
  2. Select the tab named Inventory Part In Stock. The tab is only enabled when inventory parts in stock exits.
  3. Check the table with different inventory part locations for the specific configuration.
  4. To see more inventory information use right-click and select Inventory Part In Stock.