Define RRP Resource Routings


This activity is used to enter the resource requirements for a master-scheduled part or a product family part. This information is used when you run RRP. Usually, a resource is machine capacity, and its resource requirement is machine hours. A resource also can be storage space, personnel, and transport capacity. You can link a resource requirement to a specific operation.


This activity requires that work centers to be used by RRP must have been registered.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, there are no system effects.


Resource Routing

Related Window Descriptions

Resource Routing


  1. Open the Resource Routing window.
  2. Create a new record.
  3. Query for the MS part or product family part that you want to enter resource routing for.
  4. Save the record.
  5. In the Routings tab, select New.
  6. In the Operation No and Operation Description columns, enter the operation to be performed and a description of it.
  7. In the Parallel Operations column, specify whether the operation is allowed to be planned at the same time as other operations. Entering a value in this field is optional.
  8. In the Work Center No column, specify the work center where the operation will be performed. Use List of Values to select from available work centers.
  9. Enter the efficiency of the operation in the Efficiency Factor column. Entering a value in this field is optional.
  10. Enter the resource consumption of manufacturing in the Setup Resource Consumption and Resource Consumption Factor columns. The resource consumption factor is processed differently, depending on the value you enter in the Resource Consumption Code column.
  11. If needed you can enter a value in the Time Phased Offset column. This value will move the requirements earlier or later in time, depending on if you enter a positive or negative value. Default is no offset.
  12. Repeat steps 5-11 for each operation.
  13. Save the record.