Define Referenced Modifications

This activity is used to define references between modifications for part revisions. The reference types you may define for a part revision are Mandatory, Info, Exclude, and Supersedes. For an explanation of the different reference types, see Modification Details/References. You can manually modify the reference data when the modification has a status of Preliminary. When the modification's status is set to Active, you cannot manually change all reference data any longer, but you may add and remove references by using menu options. For more information on how to add and remove references for an active modification, please see Add New Modification Reference and Remove Modification Reference.

References are defined per part revision that is assigned to the modification because different modifications apply to different part revisions, and it must therefore be possible to define different references based on the part revision. If the same references apply for several part revisions, use the Copy Modification menu option to copy the references.


The referenced modifications must exist and be assigned to the part number.

System Effects


Modification Details

Related Window Descriptions

Modification Details/References


  1. Open the Modification Details window and query for the modification revision for which you want to register references.
  2. Click the References tab.
  3. Enter values for the Referenced Modification and Referenced Revision fields. This is the modification code and revision that holds the reference. You may select it from the List of Values.
  4. Select an appropriate Reference Type (Mandatory, Info, Exclude or Supersedes).
  5. Click Save.