Add New Modification Reference


This activity is used to add a new modification reference to an active modification. When you add a modification reference a due calculation is triggered for the referencing modification. This due calculation will automatically update the list of pending maintenance events.


System Effects


Modification Details

Related Window Descriptions

Modification Details
Modification Details/References
Add Modification Reference


  1. Open the Modification Details window and query (F3) for the modification revision and assigned part revision for which a new reference is to be added.
  2. Click the References tab.
  3. Right-click and then click Add Reference. The Add Modification Reference dialog box opens.
  4. In the Referenced Mod Code field, enter the modification code for the referenced modification. Click List to select a value.
  5. In the Referenced Mod Rev field, enter the referenced modification revision. Click List to select a value.
  6. Select the modification reference type from the values displayed in the Reference Type list.
  7. Optionally, you can enter additional details for the new modification reference in the Information field.
  8. Click OK.