Work Task Basic Data/Cancel Cause Access
Maintenance Event Basic Data/Cancel Cause Access

[To Define Maintenance Basics] [To Manage Line Maintenance] [To Scope Maintenance Visit] [To Prepare Maintenance Visit]


Use this tab to register user access to cancellation causes. Cancellation causes are defined in the Work Task Basic Data/Cancel Cause tab or the Maintenance Event Basic Data/Cancel Cause tab. In this tab you can view, enter, modify or delete the cancel cause access.

When canceling a maintenance order, maintenance event or task card/subtask in Fleet and Asset Management that is already issued to a workshop, you can only use the cancellation causes assigned to you.

When canceling a work order, work task, work assignment or a work task step, the assigned cancel causes will only be used if the object property USE_CNCL_CAUSE_ACCSS is set to TRUE. If the value of this object property is FALSE, the Work Task Basic Data/Cancel Cause Access tab will be disabled, and you will be able to view all the cancellation causes.

To assign all cancellation causes to the selected user, right-click on the header of this tab, and then click Assign All Causes.

Activity Diagrams

Define Work Task Basic Data
BDR for Maintenance Events


Assign User Access to Cancellation Causes