Phase In Structure Component


This activity is used to phase in a component part in a specific structure.

Note: Depending on the site parameter, structure status, time for the phase in and selections in the dialog box, the addition will either be in existing revision or new revision will be created.


This activity requires that the component must be defined in the Inventory Part window.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, the new component will be added to either the selected structure revision, or a new revision will be generated to which the component is added

If the Structure Update field of the Site window is set to Simplified and the Phase In is set to current date, the component will be added in the same revision. If the Structure Update of the Site is set to Restricted or Enhanced or if the Phase In date for the added component is in the future, a new revision will be created.


Configuration Structure
Product Structure
Planning Structure

Related Window Descriptions

Configuration Structure
Product Structure
Planning Structure
Add Component
Add Configuration Component


To add a component by using the Phase in Component dialog box available using a right-click from the structure window

  1. Display the parent part by clicking Populate (F2) or by making a selective query (F3).
  2. Right-click in the component table, then click Add Component. The Phase in Component dialog box opens.
  3. In the Component Part area, enter the part number of the component to be added in in the Part No field. In the Qty per Assembly field, enter the quantity of the component to constitute one parent part.
  4. Enter a date in the Phase In field if required.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Optionally, adjust the Line Sequence value to place the component in the preferred structure position

To add a new Component record directly from a structure window.

  1. Display the parent part by clicking Populate (F2) or by making a selective query (F3).
  2. Add a new Component line on the Structure tab.
  3. Optionally, adjust the Line Sequence value to place the component in the preferred structure position