Inventory Part Usage Tracing

[To Handle Inventory]


Use this window to trace the usage of a part. Part usage could be, for example, the shipment of a customer order or even manual issues. The information displayed is inventory transactions.

In the upper part of the window, you can search for a part and for a combination of a site, a lot/batch number, a serial number, condition code, or a waiver deviation rejection number. For tracing lot/batch numbers, only parts having the lot/batch tracking flag in Part window set to Order Based or Lot Tracking can be traced further. If you want to trace serial numbers further, the parts must have the serial tracking flag in Part window set to Serial Tracking. Tracing by condition codes requires that the parts are lot/batch and/or serial-tracked, and that condition codes are enabled on the part record on the Part/General tab.

Note: This search is not site specific, you will get tracking results from all sites you have access to.

For description of each tab in the window, follow the appropriate link: Part Usage, Part Usage Table.

Activity Diagrams

View Inventory Transactions and History
