Inventory Part Usage Tracing/Part Usage

[To Handle Inventory]


Use this tab to trace the usage of a part. The information displayed is inventory transactions. You can only see one level in the tree structure window at a time. If the part that is traced is a parent part that uses other components in its product structure, details of the usage of the component part are displayed at the next level in the tree structure. If the part that should be traced is a component part, details of the usage of the parent part are displayed at the next level in the tree structure. However, this also requires that the part is connected to a purchase order, a shop order, or a production schedule. Otherwise, there will be one level in the tree structure.

In the left side of the tab, a graphical tree structure displays the usage of the part. In the right side of the tab, transaction details of the order is displayed. For instance, if the transaction displayed is a customer order, issues and un-issues for that specific order are displayed in the right side of the tab.

For a complete view of all levels in the tree structure, go to Part Usage Table tab.

Activity Diagrams

View Inventory Transactions and History
