Consolidation Status Overview

[To Group Consolidation


Use this window to consolidate the balances reported from different reporting entities. Consolidation can be carried out for any number of combination of structures, periods and balance versions. For a more detailed view of a specific combination of consolidation structure, period and balance version the Consolidation Status window should be used.

Further this window is used to perform parallel consolidation also. In order to carry out parallel consolidation process the combination of consolidation structure ID, balance version, period and parallel consolidation structure ID should exist.

The window displays the consolidation status of each node. The consolidation status indicates the progress of the consolidation relating to a node.

You can also update subsequent structure changes to the consolidation process after rolling back the consolidated balances.

Activity Diagrams



Select Consolidation Parameters
Rollback Consolidation
Update Structure Changes
Exclude Reporting Transaction Types and Journals
Update Opening Balances
Calculate Period Balances