Manually Add Modifications to the Snapshot


This activity is used to manually add an entry to the modification snapshot. If the historical data is not complete, e.g., a modification has been performed but the compliance is not yet recorded in IFS Applications, there can be modifications that are not included in the snapshot. These modifications can be manually added to the active snapshot. Note: Manual entries on a snapshot are for informational purposes only. Follow up of modifications must be done by using the Modification Program functionality.

Manual entries will be copied to subsequent revisions of the snapshot. However, if historical data is updated and manual entries exist for the same modification on an active snapshot, the manual entries will not be copied. Instead, the updated historical data will be retrieved to the new revision.

If a manual entry was added incorrectly, it is possible to delete this entry by selecting the Remove Manually Added Modification menu option.


System Effects


Define Work Scope

Related Window Descriptions

Add Modification Manually
Define Work Scope/Modification Snapshot
Define Work Scope


  1. Open the Define Work Scope window and search for your overhaul object and/or work order number.
  2. Click the Modification Snapshot tab and select the active snapshot.
  3. Right-click on the table and click Add Modification Manually. The Add Modification Manually dialog box opens.
  4. In the Part No field, enter the part number of the serial for which the manual entry is to be added. Use the List of Values to select from the parts in the visit on log. The Part Rev and Serial No field will be populated with the relevant data.
  5. In the Mod Code field, enter the modification that is applicable for the given part revision. The List of Values lists all modifications to which the part revision is assigned. The Mod Rev field will be populated with the relevant data. The List of Values can be used to select a different modification revision.
  6. In the Execution Type field, select the execution type of the modification.
  7. In the Category field, select the snapshot category for the modification.
  8. In the Remarks field, enter the reason for manually adding the modification, e.g., complied with by other service provider.
  9. If the modification is already included on the snapshot, but is to be replaced with the manual entry, the Remove the existing entry for this modification check box must be selected.
  10. Click OK to add the entry to the snapshot.