Create Maintenance Level Data for All Sites


This activity is used to create lines for each component of the top level repair part for each site at which the said part is registered. After which you can define the maintenance level for each of these lines. These lines are created from the IFS/Manufacturing product structure for the top level repair part and can include parts that are not part of the serial structure in Fleet and Asset Management but added after transfer in IFS/Manufacturing.


Note: You must have access to the part and site which you are adding as a top level repair part or for which you are creating a maintenance level baseline. 

System Effects


Shop Visit

Related Window Descriptions

Define Work Scope
Define Work Scope/Maintenance Level Base Line


Create Maintenance Level Data for All Maintenance Events:

  1. Open the Shop Visit window and select the appropriate customer for the top level parts you wish to define a maintenance level baseline. 
  2. Click the Visit Defaults tab. Select the top level part number to create a maintenance level baseline for by populating (F2) or by making a selective query (F3). 
  3. Alternatively, if this is a new top level repair part for the customer, you can create it. Click New, specify the Part Number and Part Revision or select them from a list of values and save your information.
  4. Click the Maintenance Level Baseline tab.
  5. Right click anywhere in the header and then click Create Maintenance Level Data for All Sites. Lines for each component will be created with a null value for Maintenance Level.