Assign Maintenance Level


This activity is used to assign maintenance levels to an overhaul object (i.e., work order part).

The maintenance level to assign, is based on the calculated suggested maintenance level, and maintenance events (with event type Modification or Life limited Part) transferred from Fleet and Asset Management.
For more information on calculating suggested maintenance levels for the work scope, refer the online help file: Activity Calculate Suggested Maintenance Level.

Maintenance levels can only be assigned to a sub-assembly and not to a piece part. A piece part refers to a part which does not have components.

With this feature, you can also view information for the maintenance events and customer approved maintenance baselines which are defined for the selected overhaul object. When you generate a work order part maintenance record, initial maintenance level values are set. These values are derived from the maintenance level baseline defined in Shop Visit/Visit Defaults/Maintenance Level Baseline. (A work order part maintenance record is generated when the right mouse button option Calculate Suggested Maintenance Levels and Apply Baseline is selected.) Maintenance levels are assigned in work order part maintenance, and is subsequently used to release a work scope in order to create an interim order structure.

The Expose All Affected Parts check box is selected, if all affected parts for a modification or life limited part event that is associated to a sub-assembly is included in the maintenance level structure. If you choose a maintenance level record where this check box is selected, all affected parts are exposed.

It is possible to change a maintenance level if you first re-set the previous maintenance level and then assign a new one. Furthermore, you can remove all maintenance levels previously assigned to all levels in the structure. The right mouse button option Reset All Maintenance Level is used to clear maintenance levels for parts on all levels in the structure. To be able to audit and report to the customer on changes that have been made to maintenance levels applied to a shop visit a dialog appear in which it is mandatory for the engineering staff to enter a comment when a change of a maintenance level is performed. A Part Level Maint History record is created to record the fact that a maintenance level change was made against a module. The ‘Message’ field will be populated with the ‘Reason for Change’ entered by the user.


System Effects

As a result of this activity, the work scope for the overhaul object is defined and can be released.


Define Work Scope

Related Window Descriptions

Define Work Scope
Define Work Scope/Define Work Scope

Define Work Scope/Serial Structure

Define Work Scope/Work Scope Mx Events

Define Work Scope/Maintenance Level Base Line
Define Work Scope/Define Work Scope/Affected Part Mx Events


Use the following procedure to assign a maintenance level to a work order part:

  1. Open the Define Work Scope window.
  2. In the Work Order No field, query (F3) for the work order for which you want to assign maintenance levels for a sub-assembly.
  3. Click the Define Work Scope tab and then click the Assign Maintenance Level sub tab. Verify and/or perform the calculation for suggested maintenance levels. For more information, refer the activity description Calculate Suggested Maintenance Level.
    You can also view information on the events for the overhaul object in the Work Scope Mx Events tab and the Define Work Scope/Define Work Scope/Affected Part Mx Events sub tab.
  4. Select the record that contains the required maintenance level, right-click and then click Set Maintenance Level. The maintenance level value is assigned to the actual sub-assembly level.

At times, you may need to change an assigned maintenance level. Use the following procedure to reset a maintenance level:

  1. Open the Define Work Scope window.
  2. In the Work Order No field, query (F3) for your work order.
  3. Click the Define Work Scope tab and then click the Assign Maintenance Level sub tab.
  4. Right-click on the upper table of the tab, and then click Reset Maintenance Level.
  5. As a result, the Maint Level field in the header section of the Assign Maintenance Level  sub tab is cleared.
  6. Use the Set Maintenance Level right mouse button option to assign a new maintenance level to the sub-assembly.

    Note: It is mandatory for the engineering staff to enter a comment when a change of a maintenance level is performed.

Use the following procedure to reset all maintenance levels:

  1. Open the Define Work Scope window.
  2. In the Work Order No field, query (F3) for the work order for which you want to change all the assigned maintenance levels.
  3. Right-click and then click Reset All Maintenance Levels. As a result, the assigned maintenance levels for the entire sub-assembly structure is cleared.

    : It is mandatory for the engineering staff to enter a comment when a change of a maintenance level is performed.
  4. To verify this action, observe your structure in the work scope navigator (situated in the Define Work Scope tab).