Site/Extended Site Info/Sales and Procurement

[About Charge/No Charge] [About Inventory Putaway] [About One and Two Step Picking] [About Shipment] [About Two-Stage Picking] [About EDI Messages] [About Inter-Site Message Handling]

[To Assortment and Part Master Data] [To Handle Inventory]


This tab consists of two sub tabs; General and Inter-Site Defaults.

Use the General tab to enter the customer order, purchasing and inter-site basic data for sites. These include discount and pricing methods, the purchase component method, internal customer and internal supplier. Tax calculation basis within the site for IFS sales and IFS procurement can be defined on the tab.

Use the Message Defaults tab to define default values for inter-site order/purchase management. Defaults can be defined only for the site or for site/customer combinations as well as for specific site/supplier combinations.  Automatic message approval for incoming customer order, incoming customer schedule and incoming change request as well for automatic release of incoming customer orders for the supply site can be defined inside the Customer area given on the upper part of the tab. Moreover, automatic message approval for incoming delivery notification, incoming order confirmation with differences and incoming order confirmation without differences can be defined inside the Supplier area given on the upper part of the tab. For both supplier and customer, you can define an approval user; which will merely be used as the default approving user when approval is set to automatic. It is important that the user has access to the site to which the purchase order message will arrive or receive. 

If the Execute Order Change Online check box is selected, it indicates that the incoming change request for customer orders and incoming purchase order confirmations, sent from any other site, will be received and processed online on this site. The benefit of this is that the supply chain will be more synchronized all the time and you will get validations instantly about any errors when changing and sending order changes and confirmations from other sites. The online processing will only continue as far as the other message defaults parameters allow. If you have manual approval of incoming changes, the online processing stops when an incoming message to approve is created. If you have automatic approval, then the online processing will validate and update the internal order. If that internal order is pegged and you have automatic replication and sending to next site, the online processing proceeds with this and so on.

On the table given on the Customer tab, you can define the default message approval setting for an incoming customer order, the incoming customer schedule, and the incoming change request for the order creating site and customer(s) combination. Also, it is possible to define automatic release of incoming customer orders, the default order type and priority for the site and customer combinations. Furthermore, on the table given on the Supplier tab, you can define the default message approval setting for incoming direct delivery notification, incoming order confirmation with differences and incoming order confirmation without differences for the site and supplier combinations.

Activity Diagrams

Create Site
BDR for Procurement


Enter a New Site
Create Internal Customer
Create Internal Supplier
Indicate Purchase Component Method
Enter Customer Order Pricing Method
Enter Customer Order Discount Method
Connect Branch to Site
Use Two-Stage Picking
Define Default Receive Case for Inventory
Enter Customer Order Defaults on Site
Enter Message Defaults for Customer
Enter Message Defaults for Supplier
Enter Shipment Process Parameters
Decide if Reservation from Transport Task is Allowed