This activity is used to create a customer order from the business opportunity line when a business opportunity line leads to an order. You could do so by right-clicking and clicking Create Customer Order from the Opportunity Lines tab in the Business Opportunity window. The Create Customer Order from Opportunity dialog box for entering some additional information will be displayed. You must enter order type, reason for winning the opportunity, wanted delivery date, whether the customer order should be created in the Planned or Released status. This information is mandatory.
A customer previously classified as prospective must now be reclassified as an actual customer. The category in the Customer window is changed to customer, and you will have to enter the additional information needed to complete creating the customer order.
The business opportunity line must have Confirmed status.
A customer order is created, using all available information on the business opportunity header. The status of the business opportunity line is updated to Won.
A reference to the originating opportunity line will be stored on the customer order line.
Business Opportunity
Create Order from Opportunity