Close Opportunity


This activity is used to close the business opportunity by right-clicking and clicking Close Opportunity from the header in the Business Opportunity window. The Close Opportunity dialog box will be displayed. In this dialog box you choose if the opportunity was won or lost. If the opportunity was won, you can enter the reason why it was won. If it was lost you can enter the reason for that and to which competitor the opportunity was lost.


System Effects

The opportunity is closed. No further transactions can be performed for the opportunity.


Business Opportunity
Business Opportunities

Related Window Descriptions

Business Opportunity
Business Opportunities
Close Opportunity


  1. Use the Populate or the Query function to display the appropriate opportunity.
  2. Right-click and click Close Opportunity. The Close Opportunity dialog box will be displayed.
  3. Select Closed Status.
  4. If the Closed status is Won, enter the reason for winning the opportunity, either by clicking List and choosing a reason from the list or by entering the reason ID manually.
  5. If the Closed status is Lost, enter the reason for losing the opportunity, either by clicking List and choosing a reason from the list or by entering the reason ID manually. Enter the competitor to whom the opportunity was lost, either by clicking List and choosing a competitor from the list or by entering the competitor ID manually.
  6. Optionally, you may enter a short comment in the Note field.
  7. Click OK when completed. The opportunity is closed.