Log Contract Revision Line Item Change


Any additions, modifications, and deletions of a contract revision line item will be logged if the Audit Trail check box is selected on the contract revision (see Prerequisites).

When a new revision is created, a history logging will not be created for the creation of the new revision. However, when an item is modified, the changed values are copied to the Change History window. Only the columns that have been changed will contain values; all other columns will be empty. History logging will only occur when additions, modifications, or deletions are made and the prerequisites for logging the changes are fulfilled.

Note that if the Audit Trail is enabled, and Contract Change Order Required and/or Change Comment Required check boxes are also selected, it is required to enter a contract change order and a change comment to the line item, to be able to save the change. The change order and change comment will be added to the history together with the item that was added, modified, or removed. It will also be shown on the modified or added item on the Items tab, and on removed items on the Deleted Items tab.


System Effects


Sales Contract

Related Window Descriptions

Sales Contract/Change History/Detail
Sales Contract/Change History/Cumulative

Sales Contract/Item/Lines/Items

Sales Contract/Items/Deleted Items
