
[To Make to Stock Planning] [To Shop Order Planning]


Use this window to view or change information about an operation in the schedule. An operation represents the work that will be scheduled on an available resource, which can be a work center resource, tool instance, labor class or person. 

This window contains five tabs. The Show Status tab displays status information about the operation object. The Show Contents tab displays detailed information about the operation object. The Show Relations tab displays information about objects related to the operation object. The Show Assignment tab displays information about the operation's resource assignment. The Show Materials tab displays information about the operation's material assignments.  For the description of each tab in the window, follow the appropriate link: Show Status, Show Contents, Show Relations, Show Assignment, Show Materials

Activity Diagrams





This window contains:

Operation: The operation object for the defined operation. You can drag this object onto the Gantt chart to display when this operation is scheduled. To reschedule the operation, right-click the operation object and then click Schedule. To unschedule it, right-click the operation object and then click Unschedule. You can perform scheduling and unscheduling procedures on operations that have a status of Unscheduled, Assigned, or Scheduled. If the operation you want to reschedule has a Released status, you must first drag that Released status to either Scheduled, Assigned, or Unscheduled.

Show Status:

Status: The statuses of the operations related to this operation. The status of an operation may be Incomplete, Unscheduled, Assigned, Scheduled, Released, Partially Reported, and/or Tardy.

Start Date: The date and time when this operation is scheduled to start.

Finish Date: The date and time when this operation is scheduled to finish.

Need Date: The date and time when processing for the order related to this operation must be completed and ready.

Notifications: This field will show identifiable planning or scheduling conflict related to this operation. This may or may not affect the scheduling of the operation. Planner will have to study this notification and need to take corrective actions if required

Show Contents:

Quantity Due: The process batch quantity for this operation. This is used to calculate the processing time when an operation is scheduled from the beginning.

Quantity Remaining : The quantity that remains to be manufactured for this operation. This is calculated as Quantity Due - (Quantity Completed + Quantity Scrapped).

Std Hours Due: The time required to manufacture the Quantity Due, with the defined setup time.

Std Hours Remaining : The time that remains for manufacturing for the operation. This decreases when the adjust logic is triggered. The hours in Std Hours Due is not affected by the efficiency of the selected resource.

Base remaining Time On : This setting will decide how to calculate the amount of time remaining on the shop order operation after you have started to report time and/or quantity. It will also affect how the shop order is scheduled.

Processing Time: The amount of time required to process this operation on its assigned resource. This is affected by the resource efficiency.

Operation Efficiency: The defined efficiency of the operation. This is used to adjust the processing time.

Resource Efficiency : The relative efficiency of the work center resource that is assigned to complete the operation. This is used to adjust the processing time.

Defined Transport Time : The transport time that is defined on the operation. This value can be manually updated in Simulation client.

Scheduled Transport Time : The time required to transport the completed material from this operation to the next one. This is used to calculate the start time of the next operation. CBS logic can re-schedule transport time (for example according to the transport calendar). Therefore the scheduled transport time can be different from the defined transport time. The transport calendar is defined in Scheduling Basic Data. If no calendar is specified, a 24/7/365 day calendar will be used.

Machine Setup Time : The time that it takes to set up the machine on which the operation is being performed. This value is defined in shop order operation which is derived to shop order from the part routing.

Labor Setup Time : The time that it takes for the person assigned for setup to do the setup work, or any setup time to get ready for the labor part of the run time. This is independent from machine set up time (Could be less, equal or greater than the Machine set up time). This value is defined in shop order operation which is derived to the shop order from the routing of the part. When Scheduling, CBS will distribute the labor set up requirement evenly throughout the machine set up time. For example if the machine set up requirement is 10hrs and the labor set up requirement is 5hrs and if it takes only 1 person (crew size) to perform the work, then the particular person will be booked for 50% of its capacity for 10 hours to perform the setup. If the labor class is scheduled on group level, the same requirement will allocate a quantity of 0.5 for 10 hrs. If the crew size requirement is 2 then 2 persons will be allocated for 50% each of their capacity for 10 hrs. Again, if the labor class is scheduled on group level, this will allocate a quantity of 1 for 10 hrs. 

Scheduled Setup Time : The total setup time that has been scheduled for the operation. The setup time may be obtained from a resource's setup matrix, or it may be the default setup time. The scheduled setup time may be zero if the optimization determined that the setup has already been done on a previous operation. Also, the setup time entered in the machine setup field may be changed by the efficiency of the operation and the resource. This field shows the actual amount of time scheduled for setup.

Run Factors for Machine and Labor: This section shows how much of labor and/or machine run time is required to complete the operation. Only one factor unit (Hours/Unit, Units/Hour or Hours) can be present in the shop order operation line and that is common for both labor and machine. It should be noted that Hours/Unit and Units/Hour are interrelated. (Hours/Unit means the number of hours taken to produce one unit of the item being produced, and Units/hour means the number of units produced in one hour. Hours is used when the number of parts produced does not affect the processing time). So when the planner defines run factors using one of those two factor units, the other one is automatically calculated by CBS/APB. For example if the machine run factor is 10 and labor run factor is 5 in Hours/Unit, then that implies that Machine run factor is 1/10 and labor run factor is 1/5 units per hour. As for the case in setup times, CBS distributes labor run time evenly throughout the machine run time. As per above data if the shop order quantity is 5 then total machine run time is 50hrs and labor requirement is 25 hrs. If the person requirement is 2, then 2 persons will be reserved for 50 hours utilizing 50% of each of their total capacity. If the labor class is scheduled on group level, the same operation will allocate a quantity of 1 during 50 hrs.The labor requirement to run the machine also could be less than or equal or more than the machine time requirement and it will be distributed evenly throughout the machine run time.

Reporting Time: This section includes reporting of performed work by either labor or by machines. The reported time could be of 4 types. Labor Setup Time, Labor Run Time, Machine Setup Time, Machine Run Time. Time reporting could be done from shop order operation reports or from shop floor workbench. This section is only shown if the work center connected is an internal work center.

Reported Machine and Labor Setup time: The machine setup and labor setup time already reported on this operation.

Reported Machine and Labor run time Labor Setup Time: The machine and labor run time already reported on this operation.

Reported Quantity Complete: The quantity of the parts completed by the operation.

Reported Quantity Scrapped: The quantity scrapped by the operation.

Outside Operation: This section includes outside operation information. This is only shown if the work center connected is an outside work center.

Outside Operation Item: The ID of the purchased part used for receipt from the outside operation.

Outside Operation Supply: The type of supply that will be created for the outside operation item when the operation is released.

Outside Operation Rpt Level: Specifies how much of the outside operation reporting process will be handled automatically.

Party Qty Shipped: The quantity of the subassembly shipped to the outside processor or subcontractor.

Transaction Date: The date that the first part quantity was shipped.

Purchase Ord/Req No: The number of the purchase order or purchase requisition.

Quantity Complete: The quantity of the parts completed and received into inventory.

Shop Floor Information: The status of the operation on the shop floor. This indicates whether the operation has been started or completely reported.

Queue Time: The amount of time that this operation must wait in a queue before being processed.

LPST (Latest Possible Start Time): The latest time at which this operation can be started that still permits the related shop order to be completed by the required date.

EPST (Earliest Possible Start Time): The earliest time at which this operation can be started. It is not possible to start this operation before this time.

Notes: Any information related to the operation. This field accommodates up to 2000 characters and can be used as a means of providing information to someone who will work with the operation later.

Show Relations:

Operation Seq Number: The sequence of the operation. Operations are sequenced primarily with the operation sequence and secondarily with the operation number. The value can be updated only in the Enterprise Explorer client, but if the operation is split, the update can only be performed by using operation split adjust within Enterprise Explorer client.

Overlap Quantity: The overlap between the current routing operation (operation 2) and the previous routing operation (operation 1). The overlap represents the earliest point in routing operation 1, when the start of routing operation 2 can be scheduled. The overlap will be expressed either in units (number of units completed) or as a percentage (of the time it takes to perform the previous operation for the quantity due), based on the value in the Overlap Unit field.

Overlap Unit: Specifies whether the CBS overlap between the current routing operation and the previous routing operation is expressed in units or as a percentage of the time to complete the previous operation for the quantity due. The overlap represents the point in the previous routing operation when IFS/Constraint Based Scheduling can schedule the start of current routing operation. Possible values are: Units or Percent.

Split from Operation: This shows the original operation which was split and resulted in this operation.

Split Operations: This shows the operations that are created due to the split action performed on this operation.

Preceding Activities: A list of activity objects that must precede this operation. The operation cannot be scheduled before these activities.

Succeeding Activities: A list of activity objects that must follow this operation. The operation must be scheduled before these activities.

Show Assignment:

Roles: This list box contains all the resource roles associated with this operation. Each role can be given one or more constraints.  When the operation is scheduled, the system assigns each role one resource from the available constraints. Typically, the constraint will be a group of resources, such as a work center, labor class, or tool set, from which the system will choose one resource as its assigned resource. An operation may require several roles to complete all its actions. For example, if an operation required one person and two tools, then that operation would have three roles one for the labor and one for each of the two tools.

Assigned Resource: The resource assigned to complete this operation. This can be a work center resource, tool instance, or person.

Constraints: The resource or resource group that must be used to complete this operation. This can be a work center, tool set, or labor class. It can also be a specific work center resource, tool instance, or person. If you choose a container-level item as the constraint (work center, tool set, or labor class), then one available resource from that group will be chosen as the assigned resource. If you choose a specific resource, that will become the assigned resource. 

Labor Role Type: Applicable only when Set up or Run labor roles are selected to display. A Labor role can be of 3 types. (These are read only in Scheduling client and APB , editable and can be used to simulate things in simulation client ).

Run: Labor role that performs the operation.

Setup: Labor role that performs the set up task

Setup and Run: Labor role that assigned to perform both set up and run.

Capacity Required: This shows how much of the capacity is needed for the assigned role to perform the operation. For example a particular operation needs 10 hours of machine setup time and 20 hours of labor setup time. Assume that Crew size requirement is 0.5 (this indicates that the capacity requirement is 50% of full person ). Since labor time is 200% of Machine set up time, the person can work 0.5 of its capacity for 20 hours to achieve the required labor requirement. In above case the capacity requirement is 0.5 for the labor role. Labor roles can only take less than one value . Tool instances and work center resources have to be always fully used  to perform an operation.

Capacity Utilized: This shows how much of the capacity is utilized by the role to perform the operation. For example, a particular operation needs 10 hours of machine set up time and 5 hours of labor setup time. Assume that number of persons needed ( Crew size requirement) is 1. Since labor time is 50% of Machine set up time, the labor can be used for 50% of his/her full capacity to perform this setup role. Therefore in above case, Capacity Utilized figure will show 50%.

Show Materials:

Roles: All the material roles associated with this operation. Each role can be given one material constraint, and the quantity of material which is either consumed or produced  When the operation is scheduled, the system checks the material availability based on its definition, and records the amount of material consumed or produced.  Material is consumed on the date and time at which the operation starts.  Material is produced on the date and time at which an operation finishes.

Mtrl Consumer: Indicates that the material is consumed by the operation.

Mtrl Producer: Indicates that the material is produced by the operation.

Mtrl Qty: Indicates the amount of material which is consumed or produced by the operation.

Batch Size: When material is produced, the batch size indicates the quantity produced at each interval. The batch size may be smaller or equal to the material quantity.

Material Constraint: The material object that must be used to fulfill the material role.