Enter Complementary Information


This activity is used to enter complementary information for the case such as the case description, business object, contacts, and support information. This information will help you to handle the particular case.


To perform this activity, a case must have been created using the Case window or New Case Assistant or New Case Issue dialog box.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, the complementary information is stored for further use when handling the case. 


New Case Assistant

Related Window Descriptions

Case/Business Objects
Case/Support Info


  1. Open the Case window. Query for the relevant case.
  2. Click the Description tab.
  3. In the upper text area, select a language and enter details for the Our Description, Customer Description, Our Resolution options as needed.
  4. In the lower text area, select another language and enter details for the Our Resolution, Customer Resolution, and Our Description options as needed.
  5. Click the Business Objects, Contacts and Support Info tabs and enter the necessary information.
  6. Save the information.