Export Budget Values to File


Use this activity to export data related to a budget year (or some other period that you define). The data is exported to a file which can then be used by an external tool such as Microsoft Excel.

The budget-related data that is written to the file can be formatted in various ways. The formatting is controlled by a file template. A standard installation of IFS Applications contains predefined file templates for exporting and importing Budget Year and Budget Period values. The file templates can be found in the External Files toolkit in Accounting Rules. It is also possible to create user-defined templates.


Before exporting the budget values to a file, the following must have been completed:

System Effects

As a result of this activity, a file is created and stored in the specified location. The file contains the values and format specified by the external file template. For more information see the Detail tab in the External File Template window in IFS/Accounting Rules.


Export to File

Related Window Descriptions

Export to File


Use the following procedure to export budget values to a file:

  1. Open the Budget Versions window in IFS/General Ledger and mark the budget version you want to export. The budget version must have Active status.
  2. Select the Export to File operation. The Export to File dialog box is then displayed.
  3. Select Category, i.e. Year Values Only or Period Values Only. Year Values Only is used when you want to export the budget values for a specific year.
  4. If you select Period Values Only, then From Period/To Period can be specified in order to define the time period to be exported.
  5. The system-defined file template for either Budget Year export or Budget Period export is suggested automatically. Click List to select another file template.
  6. Click Browse to select the file name.
  7. If necessary, select code part values to be exported. If nothing is specified, all code part values are exported. Click List to specify specific values or intervals for the code part values. It is also possible to use the percent sign (representing a wild card), as part of the code part selection. Typical valid selection criteria, based on account, are shown below:
From To
1020 1440
10% 40%
  1. Click OK to start the export.
  2. The execution will end with a message dialog box. Click OK.