Issue Material


This activity is used to issue the required quantity of a part from the respective project inventory. Issuing can be done either manually or automatically. Manual issuing provides the option of issuing materials partially while the automatic option issues the full quantity at once. It is possible to issue already reserved material and/or issue material directly from the location without having prior reservations.


System Effects


Project Navigator/Demand/ERMPL



Related Window Descriptions

Project Navigator/Demand/ERMPL





  1. Open the Project Navigator or the Project window, and search for the respective project. Alternatively on the Activity window, search for the required activity. Click on the Demand/ERMPL tab. Alternatively, simply open the ERMPL window.
  2. Select the part to issue, right-click and click Issue or Issue manually. If issuing manually, the Issue From Inventory dialog box will appear. In the dialog box, enter the quantity to issue from the preferred inventory location then click OK.

Note: If IFS/Project Reporting is installed, the Create Project Transaction dialog box will appear. In this dialog box enter a valid report code that has Material report code type and then click OK to create a project transaction for the material issue.