Select Plug-In


This activity is used to select a plug-in of a predefined format on a job to create and convert plug-in packages.


A job with export and/or import criteria should have been defined.

System Effects

The plug-in packages exported or imported will be based on the plug-in selected in this activity.

Related Window Descriptions

Manage Job
Job Overview
Select Plug-In


Use the following procedure to select a plug-in on a job (if the current job is not the one that has to be exported):

  1. Navigate to the Job Overview window from the View Overview link on the Current Job window. You can also click Query on the Manage Job window, where you can choose to enter filtering criteria to find the job in mind or simply select OK to retrieve a list of all the jobs, to get to this window.
  2. On the Job Overview window, click on the row of the job that you wish to export. This job then becomes the current job.
  3. In the Plug-In field, use the List of Values to select an available plug-in that can be used on the current job.
  4. Click Save to save the plug-in package details to the particular job.