Job Overview

[About Job] [To Asset Information Integration Management]


Use this window to view read-only details on one or more jobs. You are able to perform four actions in this window.

  1. New: Opens a blank record on the Manage Job window, ready for editing. This action also disables the lower frame of the window containing the process tabs which are enabled again when the record is saved. Once saved, this job will be the user's current job.
  2. Save: Saves all pending changes.
  3. Query: Lists the filtering criteria to search for the job or jobs in mind. A query rendering a single search result displays the job in the Manage Job frame and sets the queried job as the current one, whereas a query rendering many search results displays the result in an overview form and leaves the current job unaffected.
  4. Delete: Marks the selected job or jobs for deletion. Click Save to complete the deletion.

Double-clicking a row switches the view to the Manage Job window and sets the selected job as the current job.

Activity Diagrams

BDR for Asset Information Integration Management
Manage Outbound Integration Package
Modify Integration Package
Manage Inbound Integration Package


Enter Main Information about a Job
Define Parameters for Export to Integration Package
Define Parameters for Import to Business Objects


This window contains the following read-only fields:

Job: The name given to the job.

Description: Description of the job.

Created By: The name of the user who creates the job.

Created: The date and time on which the job was created.

Company: Name of the company to which the job belongs.

Contact: Name of the person to be contacted with regard to the job.

Plug In: A plug-in for the job from the plug-in directory. Export/Import plug-in set for the job (only runtime).