
A job is the main grouping concept used by the Asset Information Integration Manager to store information such as export and import business objects, used plug-in and history records.

Current Job

A number of jobs may exist at any given instance and it is possible to select any one of them. Once selected, the job becomes the current job and is available for editing. On logging in, the details pertaining to the previously selected current job will be displayed in all windows.

Job Types

Jobs may be of three different job types: Those exclusively for export, those exclusively for import and those that can be used for both these processes. Once the job type has been defined, it becomes possible to select the business objects that will be exported along with the particular job. In this respect, an export job permits more detail to be defined in its the configuration pages for class, design objects, design parts and documents. An import job on the other hand, simply allows for the import and export of design objects and parts depending on the site value. Both types of jobs however are dependant on standard and plant identity definitions.

Job History

Records for each action performed on a job can be logged on to the job's history. The history log enables you to keep track of events that have taken place on a particular job and these records can be accessed at anytime. Once a new action has been performed on the job, the new entry is automatically inserted into the job's history records which can be viewed from the Manage Job/History tab. Entries are listed in descending order of date and time which entails that the most recent history record will be logged at the end of the list. History lines cannot be manually deleted. However deleting a job will delete its corresponding history records.