Posting Control Details

[To Define Financials Basics]


Use this window to specify all values the control type can have and to connect them to the corresponding code part values. This applies for all control types except for the control types AC1, Fixed Value, and AC2, Pre-posting and user-defined combination control types. The control type, for to which values are to be specified, is selected in Posting Control window. 

When a new company is created, default values for the posting control set-up control types are created, depending on the components installed. Check the values and change them if necessary before putting the system on line. You can also perform the Copy Details Setup function to copy the complete setup of a posting type of a specific code part to one or several other posting types, if the need arises. As a result, this will reduce the time spent on defining the rules, and maintain the consistency when setting up posting rules. 

Activity Diagrams

Modify Rules
BDR for Basic Data Synchronization


Enter Posting Control Information