
Manage Event Actions is about setting up which actions to perform when Events are triggered in IFS Applications. The Events are predefined in the system. The action can be for example to send a mail when an order is released.

Read more about concept Events.


Manage Event Actions

The Manage Event Actions form is the starting point when managing event actions. The most common tasks are available on this page for example Create Event Action and List Event Actions.

From this start page you can easily find and navigate to existing Event Actions. Type the initial letters of the Event in Find Event Action followed by <Ctrl>-K. Once the Event Action is shown in the field press the navigate button to the right and the Event Action including detail information is shown in the Event Action form. To edit the default date and time formats for event actions click on the Default Time and Date Formats link and modify the format values in the dialog box.

Create Event Action

New event Actions are created in the New Event Action form. You can do that by clicking on Create New Event Action in the start page or in the start menu navigator in folder Solution Manager/Integration/Events or you can list the Events or Event Actions and right-click on one selected Event and select Create New Action for Event.

Action Type, Perform upon Event and Action Description are mandatory. The Event Action must be enabled in order to be performed. When the Event Action is enabled the Event will also get enabled. If the Event is disabled manually no Evenrt Actions are performed for that Event.

System Defined Event Actions

Next to the Action Description there is a text informing whether the Event Action is System Defined or Custom Defined. System defined Event Actions are delivered by IFS. The settings of the System Defined Event Actions are Read-Only, except the settings concerning subscriptions. It is possible to duplicate a system defined Event Action and make changes to the copy, if there is a need to modify the predefined action.

Action Types

There are different types of actions that can be performed when an event is triggered. The same event can also have several actions. The action can be E-Mail, Execute Online SQL, Application Message, Task, Start Workflow or Streams Message. These action types are described in the table below.

Action Description


Sends a mail to receiver using Mail Server setup in IFS Connect. This event action is possible to subscribe to.



  • To: The e-mail addresses of the persons the e-mail message is sent to. This can be a list of Foundation1 Users as well. Then the email address for the user will be used.
  • Cc: The e-mail address of the person to get a carbon copy of the e-mail message.
  • Bcc: The e-mail address of the person to get a blind carbon copy of the e-mail message.
  • From Foundation1 User: The user who sent the message.
  • Subject: The subject of the e-mail message.
  • Mail Sender: Mail sender connector to be used to send the mail.
  • Attach Files: Files included in the e-mail as attachments.
  • Message: The content of the e-mail. The Add URL button provides a URL to the home window of the Logical Unit of the Event. If the Logical Unit for the Event does not have a registered home window, a question will be raised asking if you want to use the URL Designer. In the URL designer, you can select the IFS Application window that the URL link should open. It is also possible to add parameters to populate any specific data in the window

Execute Online SQL

Executes the SQL-statement. The statement will be executed in the current database.
The action Execute Online SQL is intended to execute a method (or UPDATE or INSERT), not to return any values.


  • SQL Command: Valid SQL statement to be executed.

Application Message

Creates an Application Message to be handled by IFS Connect. All the information available in the Event is included in the message. No formatting of a specific text is available here; it is all handled by Connect. It is though possible to set Connector, Address Data, Envelope and Transformer. If Connector is specified Address Data is mandatory. If Connector is not specified the message will be routed by Connect.



  • Connector: Handles the communication between the business system and message hubs, output services/devices, and application connectors.
  • Address Data: Information about the destination address.
  • Envelope: The format that is used to encapsulate XML data.
  • Transformer: Support conversion of IFS Record XML format to/from other formats required by other systems.
Task Creates a Task to one or many users. Tasks are shown to users in IFS Enterprise Explorer in the Task panel.



  • Receiver: The user id as specified in User Administration (FndUser/Identity). Receiver can be a list of users separated by , or ; character. Each of the users will be able to see the same task. The Task is only to be performed once and can only be set to complete by one user.
  • Subject: Title on the task.
  • Message: Description of the task. Details what the user should do in order to complete the task .
  • Url: A link that can help the user complete the task. It can refer to a specific window within IFS Applications. Example "ifsapf:frmCustomerOrder?action=get&key1=<ORDER_NO>" where <ORDER_NO> is to be replaced by an valid order id. It can also refer to an external web page. Use the Default button to get help setting the url to a window in IFS Applications
  • Priority: The priority of the task as defined by the sender. Values can be "High", "Low" or "Normal".
  • Complete on Event: An event fired on the same object that will set the tasks to completed. The task can be manually completed by the user. The task can also be completed if another Event is fired on the same object. Only objects where rowkey is enabled will have this possibility.
Start Workflow

Calls an external web service. The intention is to be able to call a workflow engine that expose web services to start a new instance of a defined workflow.


  • Workflow Server: The address to the workflow server. This can be set for each event action or select Use Default  to always use the address as defined in System Parameters.
  • Web Service Name: Web service to call. Workflow Server + Web Service Name is the web service endpoint. When these are specified you can use the Browse button to browse for web service operations.
  • Operation: One of the operations the web service exposes.
  • Operation Parameters: Arguments sent to the web service. Use the Browse button and reselect the Operation to verify that the correct parameters are set. Parameters not used will be marked and additional parameters will be added.


Streams Message

Creates a new stream message


  • From: The Foundation1 user who is sending the stream message
  • To: The Foundation1 user who should receive the message
  • Subject: This will be the header shown in the stream message.
  • URL: The URL to navigate when the stream message in clicked. (Optional)
  • Message: Message to display

Sends a REST Call using REST Sender setup in IFS Connect


  • REST End point: The URL of the REST service needs to be called.
  • Method: Which http method to use in this action ( PUT, POST, PTCH, DELETE)
  • Sender: REST sender connector to be used to send the REST Call.
  • Authentication: Choose the authentication scheme required by the REST service. The supported authentication schemes are Basic, Bearer and Azure Shared Key.
  • Additional Header Parameters: Header parameters that would be set to the HTTP request header can be set here. Enter the parameters in the form <parameter>:<value> in a comma seperated list. When you call an OData API (Projection), then you must configure two additional header parameters which are: Accept:application/json
  • Query Parameters: Use parameters to tailor and filter the response output. All query parameter names and values are case-sensitive.
  • Body: Add the data you are interested in transporting. This needs to be a valid payload. Framework will not validate the message body
  • Attachments: Specify the table, BLOB Column Name and the rowkey to identify uniquely.

Allow Subscription

This option is only available for action type E-Mail. By checking the "Make this action subscribable"-checkbox below Subscription the Event Action gets available for subscription by end users. You can limit the possibility to subscribe to the action by entering a required permission set. Only users that are granted this permission set can then subscribe to the event action.

If an end user subscribes to this action, the user will also get the email as well as the receivers specified in the action.


To be able to control the execution of the action you can enter conditions that must be fulfilled. The action is thus only performed if all conditions are met. Click on Conditions for performing this action to edit the condition for the event action. When using the condition type 'LIKE' if the condition value contains '%' or '_' characters an escape character '\' should be used to avoid confusion with wildcard characters that can also be used. When using the condition type 'IS NULL' a condition value is not needed as it will not be considered for that condition type.

Substitution fields

To create an action that contains useful information about the event it is possible to enter substitution fields into the message or subject. There are two types of substitution fields, Event and General.

Event Substitution fields

Each event supplies a number of substitution fields with valuable information about the specific event. Select the substitution field and drag it into the message and place it where appropriate. The substitution field will automatically get prefixed "&" to mark it as a substitution field that will be replaced by real data.

General Substitution fields

The application provides a list of general Context Substitution Variables. These are not related to the actual event but can be useful to include in the message. A context substitution field can for example be the current users email address. Select the substitution field and drag it into the message and place it where appropriate. The substitution field will automatically get a pre- and postfix "#" marker to mark it as a context substitution variable substitution field that will be replaced by real data.

Email Attachments

For email event actions you can add one or more files as attachments. Click on 0 Attachments to open a dialog where you can add, edit and remove attachments. If you click on Add in the Attachment-dialog, another dialog will open with options to add three different attachment types: From File, From Event and Create New.

List Event Actions

All event actions are shown in Event Actions in folder Solution Manager/Integration/Events.

List Events

All Events are shown in Events in folder Solution Manager/Integration/Events.
The see the actions for an event right-click and select Show Actions. For Custom Defined Events you can also select Show Details in the same menu to view/edit the event.

Custom Defined Events

Custom Defined Events are events that are defined in a specific installation. The difference between Custom Defined Events and Application Defined Events is that Application Defined Events is defined in the business logic delivered by IFS while Custom Defined Events is configured in Solution Manager and is technically executed by database triggers. The triggers is only created when the event is enabled, in order to recreate the triggers you need to disable the event and then enable it again.

When you create a Custom Defined Event you select a Table on a Logical Unit that should handle the event. The event can be fired on three different occasions; New, Update and Remove.

There is also a choice of when the trigger should be executed; Before or After the object is changed. Before results in that the trigger will be executed before the business logic is executed. After means that the business logic will be executed first and the trigger will be fired afterwards.


Almost all attributes in the table are available to use in the Event Action message. The only exceptions are LOB's and other special data types. In the attribute list select which attributes that should be available when creating event actions by checking the New Value and Old Value. This creates variables called NEW:<AttibuteName> for New Value and OLD:<AttributeName> for Old Value, for example "DESCRIPTION" and "NEW:DESCRIPTION" or "OLD:DESCRIPTION".

When the event is fired due to an object has changed the NEW:<AttibuteName> is the variable for the new value after the transaction has occurred and OLD:<AttributeName> is the variable for the old value before the transaction did take place. This is how the variables get their value when event is firing:

Note: CLOB type columns are not supported in Events due to a limitation.

Custom attributes

A Custom Defined Event can have Custom Defined Attributes. To enter a new attribute right-click in the list of Custom Attributes and select Insert. Enter a  name for the parameter and a PL/SQL function <Package name>.<Method>. The PL/SQL function can use Attributes described above as arguments.

Note: It is not possible to use Context Substitution Variables as arguments to Custom Attributes.
Fnd_User_API.Get_Description(#USER_ID#) is not allowed.


Fnd_Role_API.Get_Description(&NEW:ROLE) or Fnd_Role_API.Get_Description(&OLD:ROLE)

Note: If a Custom Defined Parameter selects from the Custom Defined Events table you will run into Oracle error 4091.
ORA-04091: table SCOTT.Emp_tab is mutating, trigger/function may not see it

Export Custom Events

A Custom Defined Event can be exported to the file system as a (*.ins) file. Right-Click in the Custom Defined Event detail form to open the context menu and select Export Custom Event. Set a filename for the export file and click on save to save the file. The Event can then be imported into another environment by executing the export file in the database.

Custom Events can also be exported using Application Configuration Packages.