Define Modification/Assign Part Revisions
Serial Part Revision/Modification

[About Modification Definition] [About Modification Program] [To Manage Maintenance Program] [To Define Templates and Modifications] [To Prepare Line Maintenance]


Following is a description of the different uses of the tab based on where it is accessed,

Define Modification/Assign Part Revisions:

Use this tab to view the part revisions that are assigned to a modification. When the modification is in the Preliminary status, it will be possible to enter or update the information in this tab.

You can connect post maintenance checks for a modification on this tab. Post maintenance checks are defined in the Post Maintenance Check Definition window. The post maintenance check will create a pending maintenance event when the planned maintenance event date of the check is within the given number of days forewarning.

If the modification leads to the change of the serial's part number and/or part revision, the new values can be entered in this tab. You can also update information on the manufacturer of the serial. This is necessary when the manufacturer of the new part number is different to the manufacturer of the old one. Usually when a serial's part identity is changed, the manufacturer's part number that is registered on the serial is also changed. The new manufacturer's part number can be entered in this tab. If required, you can also enter new values for the maintenance program and maintenance group valid for the serial’s part number after the rename.

When a part revision is assigned to a modification you can update the given modification code and part revision combination with the following information: modification references, affected parts, task cards (with resources, material, and criticality) modification executions and the assignment of serials.

If IFS/Complex Assembly MRO is installed the following additional functionalities are available:

Serial Part Revision/Modification:

Use this tab to view the modifications that are assigned to the selected part revision. Note that the information in this tab is for informational purposes and cannot be updated.

Activity Diagram

Define Modification
Define Modification Details, MRO
Complete Maintenance Event


Assign Part Revision to Modification  
Set Affected Parts Complete  
Set Affected Parts Not Complete 
Change Part Revision for Serial