Engineering Part Revision/Revision

[About Part Revisions] [To Design Standard Product]


Use this tab window to make a new (second or subsequent) revision whenever needed. A first revision must always be created from Engineering Parts or Part/Engineering/Part Detail. Each old revision with its structure, journal, document survey, etc., is available for tracing and analyzing as long as it is not deleted. To connect documents to a part or see documents connected to a selected part, click the Connected Objects toolbar option.

Activity Diagrams

Create Part Revision
Design Product Structure
Evaluate Product Range
Release Part Revision


Fulfill Document Requirement
Create New Revision
Copy Structure/Document Survey/Characteristics
Replace Revision
Set Develop Level
Activate Product Structure
Release Part Revision
Set Part Revision Obsolete
Roll Up Cost Calculation
Update Cost and Lead time from Inventory
View Product Structure Graphically
Manufacturing Standards Product Structure