Customer Reminder History

[To Customer Credit Management]


Use this window to view statistical data about customer reminder proposals and reminders which were printed or sent to the payer by email, fax or as a XML file. This window displays information per proposal ID and is the top level of the 3-level reminder history. This level is used as an entry point to the details of the reminder proposal that is used to show the reminders sent to payers and the reminder items covered by the single proposal. Apart from information, the window also provides the facility of cancelling reminders which sets back the reminder level and reminder date of an invoice to the level and date before the reminder was printed. This can be executed for the whole proposal in this window. You can cancel the reminder of a payer in the history details of the proposal. You can also initiate the cleanup for the statistical data of reminder in this window. Use the right mouse button options to breakdown to the details, to cancel reminders or to cleanup the reminder history.

Activity Diagrams

Queries Customer Credit Management
Cancel Reminder
Cleanup Reminder Reminder History


View Customer Reminder History
View Reminder History Details
View Invoices per Reminder
Cancel Reminder per Proposal
Cancel Reminder per Payer